World Health Organization Plan To Stretch Out COVID-19 Control Until At Least 2030

A Dutch virologist has come forward with the claim that the World Health Organization (WHO) is preparing to unleash yet another disease into the world to keep everyone under control until at least 2030.

During an interview, Marion Koopmans, who works as a virologist for WHO, admitted that there exists a ten-year plan to deal with the already existing covid virus and to prepare for the next pandemic.

“This has been in the WHO’s 10-year plan for some time,” said Koopmans. “That plan says that there will be a major infectious disease crisis.”

David Sorensen, detailed in a video, the evidence that WHO plans to continue the pandemic until 2030, asking, “Why does the WHO have a 10-year plan announcing 10 years of pandemics? How can they know?” 

Koopmans was one of the first people from WHO to go to China to investigate the origins of covid and was removed from her team after it was revealed that she had ties to the Communist Chinese Party (CCP).

It was exposed by National Pulse, that Koopmans had a role in the Centers for Disease Control of Guangdong, China, on its scientific advisory board.

“She has advised on the building of the laboratory capacity for emerging infectious disease detection in this region and has ongoing research collaborations trying to unravel emergence and spread of viruses through the animal production chain in this region,” read a summary of her work with the Chinese-run body.

Unsurprisingly, Bill Gates, our unofficial, unqualified health overlord, has also said many times that there will be another pandemic – of note he has made an additional $50 billion from vaccines alone in the past few years – and is now pushing to be part of the “effort” to prepare us all for whatever virus he has been working on lately.

During an interview with Stephen Colbert, the unfunny comedian, Gates admitted to Colbert that there will be “pandemic two” once the world no longer complies with covid restrictions – which he called “pandemic one.”

“Most of the work we’re going to do to be ready for pandemic two – I call this pandemic one – most of the work we’ll do to be ready for that are also the things we need to do to minimize the threat of bioterrorism,” said Gates.

In an interview during the pandemic, where Gates made himself the face of the “solution,” he and his then-wife Melinda admitted that people will be far more focused on the spreading disease when the next pandemic comes.

“We’ll have to prepare for the next one. That will get attention this time,” he said. 

Since 2018, Gates has been preparing for a pandemic, which he also predicted would kill at least 30 million people. Strange that a man with no medical or scientific background – who also happens to be a billionaire – starts to get involved with vaccines and boom – pandemics on a global scale.

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6 thoughts on “World Health Organization Plan To Stretch Out COVID-19 Control Until At Least 2030

  1. if you keep making new ones of course it will never stop
    you have no cure just something to pamper the symptoms
    your vaccines are old to the new variants
    before long cholera will take over
    and black plague
    bill gates your too old just like the ones in the government
    you’ll be dead

  2. I buried my brother(or you yours) last week murdered by the vile democrats manufactured bioweapon known as Covid….Gain of Function research funded by democrats then discontinued for optic purpose because of dangers of that type of research only to be continued in Obama era by fauci and a bio lab Eco Health alliance research center funding it! How many more have to die… democrats do not care if your rep/dem vaxxed/unvaxxed they are after all of us whether you comply with their way of life they have planned for you or not. I buried my Brother last week …..Don’t let the next be yours…Stop the democrats! Vote them all out from office for life as they done to my brother’s life… for life!

    • I wonder if you are aware of Agenda 21/ New World Order? their desire is to reduce the world population by 3/4’s. That means billions will have to die to satisfy them. I am aware AIDS was their first try at killing us but failed, so they dragged out Covid & all its variants. I can’t imagine what will slow them down or stop them. We all need to die & they will make sure it happens. Just like electric cars, all part of their plan, beware folks, they ARE after us. And if Bill gates is in on it, you know it’s bad. He made billions off of Covid vaccine & plans on making billions more. OFF OF US.

  3. Of course Gates has several more viruses ready to be released on the world! Why isn’t he in prison for crimes against humanity? Yet, he is allowed to run free and buy up all OUR farmland! He is a criminal, arrest him, Fauci and the rest of their henchmen!

    • Gates is a criminal and plans to be the master of massive world genocide , which qualifies him for the ultimate penalty which is death . He must be stopped NOW !

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