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Is FluMist Really a Safe Alternative to Flu Shots?

During this time of year, you see just about as many signs for flu shots as you do holiday decorations. Since more and more health-conscious people now understand that the flu vaccine can cause serious harm, they’re looking for alternative ways to prevent the flu.

A decade ago, a so-called “safe” alternative to flu vaccines rolled onto the market in the wake of the infamous bird-flu scare. For parents concerned that the mercury in a yearly flu shot would put their child at risk for autism, the FluMist nasal spray seemed like a welcome alternative. Unfortunately, this nasal spray is just as dangerous and may cause serious harm if you or your children get it.

Why Parents Choose FluMist Instead of Flu Vaccines

  • “No Preservatives!”

One of the top selling points of the FluMist nasal spray is that it supposedly contains no preservatives. This is false. While it doesn’t contain the most controversial preservative, thimerosal, it does contain additives that can cause serious harm to your health.

  • Easier for Scared Kids

Let’s face it; no child wants to get a shot. For frustrated parents trying to get especially reluctant children to roll up their sleeves, the FluMist seems like an attractive alternative. Just two painless squirts up the nose and the job is done. But at what cost to their health?

Dangerous Ingredients in FluMist Nasal Spray

There may be no mercury in the FluMist nasal spray but it does contain dangerous ingredients that can cause both immediate and permanent side effects.

Here’s what is squirted into your child’s nose when he or she receives the FluMist nasal spray:

  • Powerful Live Virus

One of the primary dangers in the FluMist nasal spray is that it contains a live virus. The flu shot does not. The danger in injecting a live virus directly into your nasal passages is that it has direct and immediate contact with your brain. This can result in vaccination-induced meningitis, inflammation of the protective membranes of your brain and spinal cord, or encephalitis, inflammation of the brain itself. These types of inflammatory conditions can cause debilitating pain, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, and even death.

Another negative factor of spraying a live virus into your nasal passages is that you remain communicable for up to 21 days. Each time you sneeze or wipe your nose, you’re at risk of infecting everyone around you. This means if your child gets a FluMist nasal spray, he or she can easily spread it around at school. If you get the nasal spray, you may be immune to its effects but still spread the flu to others in your home or at work.

  • MSG

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a savory flavor enhancer used in many processed foods and Asian dishes. This powerful excitotoxin is dangerous enough when eaten. When sprayed directly into your nasal passages, it doesn’t have to go through your digestive system; it has direct access to your brain.

Children who are already immunocompromised or suffer neurological or behavioral issues are at serious risk from the MSG preservative contained in the FluMist nasal spray. MSG is an excitotoxin, which means it over-stimulates the brain cells to the point of premature death. This can result in behavioral problems, learning disabilities, chronic fatigue, disorientation, depression, rapid heartbeat, and numbness, twitching, and tingling in extremities.

  • Hydrolyzed Porcine Gelatin

This stabilizing agent is made from pig mucosa and can induce an allergic reaction to pork, and, believe it or not, cats. A rare allergic condition called ‘pork-cat syndrome’ is caused when a substance produced by both cats and pigs (albumin) is viewed by the immune system as toxic and foreign. In serious cases, the pig mucosa contained in the FluMist vaccine can cause immediate and life-threatening anaphylaxis.

  • Gentamicin Sulfate

Gentamicin sulfate is an antibiotic that has been linked to loss of balance, inner ear damage, and deafness.  This antibiotic has also been shown to be highly dangerous to your kidneys and can cause permanent kidney damage if multiple doses are received throughout the course of several vaccines.

Side Effects of the FluMist Nasal Spray

The most common side effects associated with the FluMist spray are:

  • Cough
  • Runny Nose
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Headaches
  • Low-Grade Fever
  • Muscle Aches
  • Irritability

Remember, the live virus stays inside your nose for up to 21 days. If you have a runny nose and/or cough during this time-period, you can easily spread the flu to others, even if you don’t come down with it yourself. This kind of viral shedding also puts breastfeeding infants at risk if the mother has used FluMist.

Immunocompromised Individuals Should Not be Inoculated 

Here’s something you may not read elsewhere: People are dying of the flu not because they have a flu vaccine deficiency but because they’re already sick. Millions of people suffer from some sort of autoimmune condition because they’re living in an environment filled with toxins. Allergies, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, celiac disease, crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other chronic inflammatory conditions all indicate a compromised immune system.

Adults and children who are somehow compromised are not good candidates for vaccination either by flu shot or FluMist. Their bodies simply are not able to handle the inoculation the way it was meant to. Children and adults with neurological conditions are also not good candidates as neurological conditions are worsened by the MSG in FluMist and the mercury in flu shots.

Natural Alternatives to the Flu Vaccine

You do not need to get a flu shot or a flu nasal spray to avoid the flu. You need to strengthen your immune system so you’re no longer at risk. The best way to do this is by cleaning up your diet and eliminating as many environmental toxins as possible.

If you eat a highly-processed diet filled with chemicals, your immune system has to work overtime to protect you. This weakens its ability to do what it was designed to do; protect you from viruses and bacteria. Weaning yourself off junk food and moving to a whole food diet of organic vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, poultry, fish, and healthy fats such as butter and coconut oil can keep you healthy year-round.

Your environment also plays a large role in whether or not you stay well. Take stock of your cleaning products and cosmetics. If you’re using conventional brands, chances are, you’re exposing yourself to parabens and phthalates that can weaken your immune system and cause neurological dysfunction. Switch to certified organic brands that contain only chemicals you can pronounce.

Dietary supplements can also help you stay healthier year-round with no need to line up for any type of potentially-harmful vaccination. High-quality probiotics boost your immune system by filling your gut with healthy bacteria to crowd out harmful bacteria and viruses. Vitamin D3 is an essential immune-boosting supplement as nearly 90% of the population is deficient. Olive leaf extract is a powerful natural antibiotic that can help prevent and treat the flu.

N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a compound that helps boost the amount of glutathione in your system, which, in turn, boosts your immune system.

Don’t be bullied or frightened into receiving a vaccine. Your immune system was designed to protect you without being artificially exposed to mega-doses of viruses wrapped up in synthetic chemicals. Instead, boost your immune system naturally through diet, supplements, regular exercise, sleep, and stress release. When you do this, your immune system will work as it was designed and protect you without the potentially-harmful side effects of a vaccine.

Recommended Research

I want to talk a bit more about our environment and its’ effect on our health. I mentioned before that most conventional brands of cleaning products contain parabens, phthalates and triclosan.

What exactly are those? Well if you remember my letter from last May about The Great American Cancer Scam I told you about the relationship between them and cancer. Each ingredient has been studied in great detail and been linked to causing cancer in both adults and children.

It seems everything we use to clean our homes has a nasty side-effect that could rob you of a healthy life.

What can you do about it? Well for one throw out all of the chemically- laden cleaning products you keep in the closet and underneath the sink! They are full of toxins that can harm you and your family.

The only real way to clean your home and keep yourself safe from cancer-causing toxins is to use all-natural cleaning products. Safe cleaning solutions will not harm your family, but will still give you the same level of comfort knowing your countertops, bathrooms and floors are free of dirt and bacteria.

Now you could run over to Whole Foods or another health market and pick up their brand of all-natural cleaning products. They are safe and clean great. But have you looked at the prices they charge? Their cleaning solutions are so expensive! You’ll pay twice as much as you were!

I want to be healthy, but I don’t want to go broke doing it! That’s why I was so happy to find information about how to make my own cleaning products! Essentially you can make the same cleaning products that Whole Foods and other natural health stores sell for a fraction of the price.

If you are interested in keeping your family safe from cancer causing agents and doing so in an economical way then click here to read more about it.

The message on the page is kind of jumbled and not terribly well written, but I assure you the book is nothing like that! It contains great information that is so useful for everyday life! I hope you can overlook the next page so you can discover the same all-natural cleaning products I use in my own home.


Jessica Coffey

Publisher – Health Scams Exposed


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