If you’ve been keeping up with our ongoing coverage and analysis of the vaccine debate, then you know that the cover-up is persistent, intense, and far-reaching. That is to say, organizations which consistently contradict the scientific evidence in an effort to sell more combination vaccines to a credulous public include the federal government, the mainstream medical community, mainstream media (MSM), academia, and the public school system.
What this tells us is that we are dealing with a conspiracy- that powerful people across numerous legacy organizations are colluding in order to protect a multi-billion dollar industry which creates customers for a related multi-billion dollar industry.
So we thought it would be a good time to go over a number of specific points which the mainstream media consistently conceals and misrepresents. These are, or should be, damning allegations that- if facts mattered- would bring the vaccine industry to its knees and cripple the credibility of all of the above-mentioned institutions.
- Mercury and other toxic heavy metals are still used as preservatives. Mercury is the most potent naturally occurring neurotoxin known to science. Just a minuscule amount is all that’s needed to permanently and grievously injure an adult, or kill, in many cases. Other heavy metals like aluminum are also frequently used as stabilizers so that unused vaccines can have a longer shelf life. While other preservatives could be used, the vaccine industry still insists on using known poisons.
- Injection greatly magnifies the toxicity of any substance. Vaccines could be administered in a number of different ways. But the medical community chooses the method that bypasses all of the body’s defense systems. This tells us a couple of things. It tells us that they know the body’s filter organs want to destroy what’s in vaccines. It also tells us that the harms done by vaccines are known to science.
- Polio vaccines contain the cancer-causing virus SV40. This has been admitted by the CDC and by high ranking Merck scientists. Recently, the CDC deleted pages containing this information, but it has been archived by the SV40 foundation.
- Numerous Merck whistle blowers have come forward with damning allegations. One of the main arguments against so-called conspiracy theories is that it would be impossible to keep a few people from coming forward. But that fact is when people do come forward the mainstream media does not report their claims and the public- desperate to maintain the illusion of safety- ignore them. Dozens of top Merck scientists have blown the whistle on bad manufacturing methods and the absence of proper safety testing.
- Vaccinated children are statistically more vulnerable to outbreaks. Every time a major epidemic breaks out, vaccinated children and adults are just as susceptible as anyone else. We should be seeing pockets of immunity in areas where vaccinations are prevalent- but we don’t.
- Vaccine manufacturers do not test their products scientifically. We know this because one, there are no major studies published on the wild success of vaccinations that we would expect. The aggressive way vaccines are promoted and often legally forced on populations would lead us to expect that they offer powerful, reliable, and statistically significant protections from disease. We would expect that these great benefits would far outweigh the dangers. But this is not the case. The science behind even single-strain vaccines is weak.
- The fact that the secret vaccine courts exist, but are still kept from the American public is evidence enough of a concerted cover-up. Vaccine manufacturers have had legal protection from civil suit since the early 80s. And there is a secret fund which is paid into, via a hidden vaccine tax, by every person who buys a vaccination. That fund is used to pay the victims of vaccines so that vaccine manufacturers never have to pay for the harm they cause. Angry yet?
- The mainstream media relies heavily on contributions from vaccine manufacturers. As viewers leave cable in droves and turn to the Internet for their news, the major networks are desperate for a way to stay afloat. Enter vaccine manufacturers like Merck. MSM news networks like CNN and MSNBC receive millions in contributions from vaccine makers… and if that makes you suspicious- you’re literally Hitler.
- The CDC admits vaccines contain known potent neurotoxins.
If we told you that MSG is in vaccines, you would reasonably ask why- especially since it causes immune system inflammation. If we told you that many vaccines also contain formaldehyde, you might look at us askance. However, the CDC has openly admitted that vaccines do contain these toxins in addition to mercury and aluminum.